TIBCO Intern Project
MAY - AUGUST 2017 (10 WEEKS)
TEAMMATES: Vaidehi Duraphe, Xiang Shi
DELIVERABLES: Slide Deck, Presentation
MY ROLE: Brainstorming & Sketching, Documentation, Iterations, Wireframing
Our team was challenged with establishing value in using machine learning on the edge to improve corperate workplace daily routines.
The Process
Starting off this project, I began with researching machine learning and artificial intelligence uses by collecting exemplars and meeting with stakeholders. With insights gained from stakeholders, my team and I were able to define the problem space by creating an affinity diagram and value proposition canvas.
Concept Generation
Using a persona we created, I sketched ten initial concepts to communicate my ideas and contextualize the insights generated from research. After several team collaboration sessions, we narrowed down the problem and focused into a specific area of the problem space. Sketched storyboards of four use cases emerged.
A consolidated solution was agreed upon and wireframes were generated. I developed a user flow diagram to walkthrough user’s interactions and created a SWOT analysis diagram to strategically analyses the solution for the success of the business. A functioning demo was created and shown to company executives.
I Learned...
…how rapidly requirements can change when working with stakeholders. Business motivations change throughout the course of a project and it is important to be able to be malleable within the design process.
Please contact me directly for more details about the work I completed during my internship. Thank you!